Home 9 All Videos 9 ESOC 2023 TV – Industry Slot: Neurologica Corp Samsung – The Benefits and Challenges of Setting Up a Mobile Stroke Program

ESOC 2023 TV – Industry Slot: Neurologica Corp Samsung – The Benefits and Challenges of Setting Up a Mobile Stroke Program

May 31, 2023

Thursday, 25 May, 11:00 – 11:30 CEST

Mobile stroke units have had a massive impact in stroke detection and care for patients all around the world since they were first introduced in 2011. Hear all about mobile stroke programs and their many benefits and challenges from the founder of the concept itself, Dr. Klaus Fassbender.

Speakers include: 

Klaus Fassbender, (Homburg/Saar , Germany)

Kathleen Schmoyer, (Danvers , United States)



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