Home 9 All Videos 9 Advancing cardiac diagnostics during COVID-19: Improving Hospital Efficiency & Safety with ICMs

Advancing cardiac diagnostics during COVID-19: Improving Hospital Efficiency & Safety with ICMs

October 11, 2021

Chairperson: Prof. Thorsten Lewalter – Professor of Internal Medicine – Cardiology, University of Bonn; Head. Dept. of Cardiology and Intensive Care, Peter Osypka Heart Center Hospital for Internal Medicine Munich South

Prof. Jan Steffel: Implementing COVID-safe ICM implants- optimizing resources without compromising on safety

Prof. Jan Steffel Vice Chairman and Professor of Cardiology and Senior Consultant in Invasive Electrophysiology and Implantable Cardiac Devices, University Hospital Zurich


Dr. Giulio Molon: Expanding remote monitoring for ICM patients: Why and how?

Dr. Giulio MolonHead, Department of Cardiology, Sacro Cuore-Don Calabria Hospital, Negrar


Ms. Caroline Green: How ICM technology can help driving efficiency

Ms. Caroline Green Lead Cardiac Physiologist, Manchester Foundation Trust



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