by Ket Patel | Oct 1, 2019 | Arrhythmia, Atrial Fibrillation, Cardiovascular Disease, Home video
Based on the patient characteristics of an AF patient with cardiovascular comorbidities Dr. John W. Eikelboom will review existing data from multiple sources including RE-LY subgroup data, GLORIA AF and RE-DUAL PCI to support the dabigatran treatment decision for this...
by Ket Patel | Oct 1, 2019 | Arrhythmia, Atrial Fibrillation, Cardiovascular Disease, Home video
This is a video showing the MOA of thrombin inhibition on intracranial haemorrhage. It shows how dabigatran, a thrombin inhibitor minimises thrombin mediated damage and preserves the brain barrier, thereby minimising intracranial hemorage. It showcases the RE-LY...
by Ket Patel | Oct 1, 2019 | Atrial Fibrillation, Home video, Interventional Cardiology
Congress Presentation presented at AHA 2017 given by Dr. Chris Cannon with slides on a neutral background ( only Study branding) Including Q&A with Dr. Cannon and Dr. Hohnloser on FAQs related to the study results as well as the clinical implications of the...
by Ket Patel | Oct 1, 2019 | Home video, Stroke
Neurologist’s Perspective of Reversal for Thrombolysis or ICH with Prof. Dr. Martin GrondThis adaptable 6 min video presents neurology cases from real clinical...
by Ket Patel | Oct 1, 2019 | Atrial Fibrillation, Electro-physiology
At ACC 2017 the RE-CIRCUIT study was presented in the Late-Breaking Clinical Trials session. Here we have a series of Q&A videos presented by Dr. Hugh Calkins Q&A 1: How do the absolute major bleeding event rates seen in RE-CIRCUIT for dabigatran etexilate and...